pisces.gif (7503 bytes)aquarius.gif (3521 bytes)

from the Star Facts web site

The Earth spins around its axis, or center of rotation, one full turn every 24 hours. Think of it as a spinning top, or a gyrascope. A top or gyrascope not only spins rapidly, it also has a slow wobble-like motion in a circular pattern. So does the Earth. That is, the direction that the top of the Earth (the North Pole) points in, slowly goes around in a circular motion, like the wobble of a top. This is called precession.

It takes the Earth 26,000 years to wobble around once. As precession occurs, the alignment of what is over our North Pole changes (precession also explains the changing of "ages" - the so called "dawning of the age of Aquarius", which is actually about 600 years away). Our current North Star is about two moon diameters away from true north (the equivalent distance of twice the width of the moon as we see it), and is still getting closer. In the year 2095 it will be the nearest to true north, about one moon diameter away.


-=- Another Take -=-


Mysteries of the Ages Revealed

... Scientists divide the 25,800-year cycle of our Earth into twelve ages instead of twelve months, and that the Great Sphinx in Egypt marks the "Happy New Year" of this cycle. The 25,800-year cycle of our planet with its four seasons is called the great year, the Platonic year (Plato's year), or the precession of the equinoxes in a comprehensive dictionary.

     The four seasons of the great year are marked by Egypt’s four minor sphinxes, Ezekiel's four heads of the beast, Revelation’s four cherubim, and astronomy’s Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio (Abraham's Eagle) constellations.

Our Current Position in the Great Year

Our Current Position in the Great Year
(Cross takes 25,800 years to make one turn through the twelve ages)
     Our astrological birth signs no longer coincide with the sun's location in the constellations of the Zodiac because of precession. Even the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn are now the Tropic of Taurus and the Tropic of Scorpio when we observe the sun on the solstices? Our astrologers and map makers neglected to update our present position in the cosmos for over 2,000 years. We are not the astrological birth signs the newspapers and a majority of the astrologers proclaim we are!

     The North star (pole star) also changes with the precession of the equinoxes. The North star was Thuban (Alpha Draconis) when the Great Pyramid was constructed to align with true North. The descending passage of the Great Pyramid points to Thuban, the most accurately aligned pole star of all the North stars in the 25,800-year cycle of our Earth.

25,800 Year Cycle

25,800-Year Cycle of Earth

     Comprehend that the word sphinx means to bind or close a circle tightly, and that the Great Sphinx binds Virgo and Leo in the Zodiac on the ceiling of the Portico — at Esna's Khnum Temple. The Great Sphinx marks the "Happy New Year" of our present Platonic year, and Leo was the first age in this great year. Listen when the Vatican informs us every Christmas Eve, when it reads the ancient Calens (calendar) from Rome, that it was the sixth age or the Piscean Age when Jesus, the fisherman, was born 2,000 years ago. Even the ancient Persians called Polaris the "turning point star" 5,000 years before it became our current pole star between the sixth and seventh ages.

vernal.gif (3248 bytes)
Precession of the Vernal Equinox.
(Currently, we are at the end of the Sixth Age
-- halfway around one great year)

     When Moses threw out the golden calf, he knew it was the end of the Taurus Age or the fourth age in our present great year. He instructed his followers to get rid of the bull, put lambs' blood on the doors, and place Rams' horns in the temples. By looking at the Master Calendar, the Mazzaroth, or the Zodiac in the heavens, anyone could see that it was the dawning of the Age of Aries the ram or lamb. It was the start of the fifth age in our current great year.

     It was the third age, or the Age of Gemini 6,000 to 8,000 years ago, when some people on the Earth believe Adam and Eve lived. Gemini is also known as the twins or Adam and Eve in the ancient Zodiacs.

     At one time in history, the Vernal Equinox used to indicate New Year's Day in our annual calendar until Julius Caesar moved it to January 1 in 45 BC. The names of our months still reflect March as the first month of the year. In Latin, Septem is seven, Octo is eight, Novem is nine, and Decem is ten. This is why the name of an age is determined by where the sun is on the Vernal Equinox. The megalithic monuments like Stonehenge, Chichen Itza, and Casa Grande are all trying to find the Vernal Equinox or the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

     Understand how Nostradamus, Revelation writers, and the Mayans could have used this 25,800-year cycle of our planet to predict what can be expected as we dawn the age of Aquarius. The ancients refer to the coupled-ages of Pisces and Aquarius in the great year as the time for the FisherMan or Merman to return from the sea. The old legends say that he will teach the people how to heal and govern themselves.