(son of Khwan)

During this period of Yu the Great(Xia)(2,205-2,198) everywhere in China tremendous flood waters are wreaking destruction.  Spreading afar, they embraced the mountains and rose above the hills. The people are groaning. All the houses and crops are submerged and the people had to move to places on the highland.

Yu continued the task of relief begun by his father Khwan (Kun), but instead of using dams he dug channels to drain the waters to the sea.  In this way he eventually conquered the flood and made the land fit for habitation.  He is given the throne by Shun and became founder of the first hereditary dynasty.

This legend is similar to the Great Flood of Noah alias Ut-Napishtim. The biggest difference is the Chinese did not attribute this natural phenomenon as God inspired to punish mankind. It is noteworthy that the North American tradition of the Great Flood also considered it a natural phenomenon and not a punishment from God.

This flood story is not unique to China for it is widely found among other peoples of East and Southeast Asia even in the mythology of America.  Only in the middle east is the flood considered as a divine retribution for human sin.

Flavious Josephus (37-100) the historian admitted in 93 that all barbarian histories mention the flood including the Egyptians, Phoenician and Mnaseas including the fact that others beside Noah escaped to the mountains and are saved.   It would appear that only Noah deemed this natural phenomenon as God destroying mankind for mans wickedness.